Los pigmentos de perla camaleónica están recubiertos con una capa de pigmento de color transparente en la superficie de las partículas de perla de tipo interferencia, que puede absorber ciertas longitudes de onda de luz. Esto crea un pigmento combinado que exhibe dos percepciones de color diferentes cuando se observa en la vertical (Vista directa) y lateral (especially grazing view almost parallel to the coating) directions. This optical phenomenon is caused by the interference and absorption of incident light by the pigment.
The ability to produce nanoparticles with controllable size and narrow thickness distribution makes transparent SiO2 film a multilayer light. By coating this transparent SiO2 film with a high-reflective metal oxide, we achieve a very pure and brilliant iridescent effect with angle-dependent color-changing properties.
Chameleon pearl pigments have been widely used in various applications, such as vehicle bodies or components, plastic products, furniture, footwear, synthetic leather, automotive paint, premium coatings, artesanía, sports equipment, high-end apparel, cosméticos, upscale packaging, and the coating industry. Additionally, they can be applied in anti-counterfeiting measures for printed materials.